


2025 - 2026


Who are we?

Who are we?

In each show produced by  OPERA 2001, we hold rehearsals a few days previous in theaters that kindly allow us to use their installations.   
We take this opportunity to invite young students of music schools or high schools to attend to these working days.

We think that young people attendance is important because it opens a completely new and unknown world for most of them.
We are pleased to see how young people that discover the world of opera for the first time share it with their families and return to the theaters.

OPERA 2001 organizes under request "educational workshops" directed to students from all ages.
They focus on different areas depending on the age of the children, from the discovery of musical instruments, to forming an symphonic orchestra, discovering voices, etc.

OPERA 2001  intends to maintain alive, in original version, the most renown  works in their repertoire, in order for young generations to learn to love them on the context for which they were created: the stage in the theater.